
The basic teachings of the Christian faith, as understood at First Presbyterian Church, are summarized in "The Essentials of Our Faith," a document produced by our denomination (the EPC). We believe that the affirmations contained in this brief document arise naturally from Scripture when Scripture is afforded its full authority.

In addition to the basic teachings outlined in "The Essentials of Our Faith," First Presbyterian Church (and the EPC as a whole) represents a specifically presbyterian perspective on theology and practice. This "Reformed" perspective is laid out in detail in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. The distinctives of this perspective are seen in such matters as our form of church government, our understanding of the sacraments (baptism and the Lord's supper), and our emphasis on the sovereignty of God.

The Westminster Confession of Faith and the catechisms are long-standing historic documents, grounding us in a specific spiritual heritage. In addition to this historical grounding, it is also important for us to address contemporary issues in a manner consistent with our understanding of the Bible. To this end, the EPC has published a number of Position Papers specifying our denomination's stance on theological and moral issues of particular contemporary significance.